Asked by ElizeF on 06-01-2016 14:23:39
Question posted in the Divorce Law category relating to Gauteng
Question posted in the Divorce Law category relating to Gauteng
I've been trying to get a divorce for many years (in excess of 20yrs), my husband is emotionally and financially abusive and lived off me for many years (not working). I left the house and lived with a friend on and off during 2015, this resulted in sexual relations, which are still ongoing. I have moved back to my house for the sake of my children (26 and 20). I plan on filing for divorce next week as I am now financially able to do so. What could happen to me / claims held against me if I move out today, prior to filing for divorce? Reason being that I cannot handle the emotional blackmailing, victimization and invalidating any longer. I am in fact rather prepared to commit suicide (have tried this before) than to stay in the house with my husband another day. Will you please help me?
Thank you.
Thank you.
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