Asked by Eliphas on 14-10-2024 13:02:31
Question posted in the Criminal Law category relating to Limpopo
My brother was involved in an accident in which one person died. He had been hired by a group of alleged illegal miners among which one had a fire arm. After the accident, the person with the fire arm ran away from the accident scene, however, the police later found him.
My brother was extremely injured and has not yet fully recovered, but he was under police custody while in hospital. We feel that he was released prematurely from the hopsital before being fully recovered as he still cannot walk unsupported. He is currently in the police custody waiting bail hearing as he is being accused of being part of the group who hired him. I would assume that no one has the responsibility to search who ever they give a lift. I would also asume it is against the bill of rights to deny someone adequate health care as a way to speeed up trial. Can we request that my brother be given the right to be reviewed by another independent medical expert to validate that he is fit to be released from hospital. Can i have any legal basis to call the police to seek explanation to all these issues?
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