Asked by Vanessa on 30-11-2021 15:40:59
Question posted in the Landlord Tenant Law category relating to KwaZulu-Natal
I am currently renting a property and have been doing so since 2015. The owner/landlord of the property has sold it recently to new owners who are yet to take possession of ownership as the paperwork needs to be finished processing. Nonetheless, according to pest control surveyors who have had a look at the property, they would have to treat a wood borer issue in the house which I am renting, and this requires me to leave for a period of 48 hours. This is all good and well, but I am not the only resident, I have indoor animals and I have no other place to go to for this time period. In addition, with all of the personal belongings that I would have to move out during this time, I might as well completely move out altogether. My contract expires next year 2022 on the 31st of May, and I fully intend to vacate the property and move out at the end of my lease period. What I want to know, is can the situation be forced - as in, can I be legally forced by law to evacuate the property for the fumigation while my contract is still active, or can I by law demand that this only occurs when I give notice next year and move out?
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