The Law Society of South Africa promotes the substantive transformation of the legal profession through its leadership role; represents and promotes the common interests of the profession, having regard at all times to the broader interests of the public, whom the profession serves; empowers the profession by providing training to candidate attorneys and continuing professional development to attorneys to ensure quality legal service to the community in an ethical, professional, competent and caring manner.
Visit the The Law Society of South Africa's website here:
There are also a number of Regional Law Societies to which attorneys are members of.
Law Societies of the Northern Provinces (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North-West Province)
Cape Law Societies (Western Cape, Eastern, Northern Province)
KwaZulu Natal Law Societies (KwaZulu Natal)
Free State Law Societies (Free State)
In terms of the Attorneys Act, 1979, attorneys fall under the regulatory and disciplinary jurisdiction of the provincial law society where they practise. It is part of the function of the councils of the law societies to act in the public interest. The law societies are committed to protecting the public against unprofessional and irresponsible conduct by attorneys and are prepared to investigate complaints which are submitted to them in good faith and which fall within their jurisdiction. Complaints about attorneys should, therefore, be lodged with the relevant provincial law society.