good day I know this man for 7 years and...

Asked by Rati on 11-06-2024 16:09:31
Question posted in the General Law category relating to Gauteng

good day 

I know this man for 7 years and we have seeing each other for 3 years meaning having sexual relationship, romantic relationships for 3 years I fall pregnant 2 times and both I had a miscarriage,last miscarriage it was this year 2024 in February 

the reason we can't have a relationship it's because of his religion his a Hindu and am black Muslim so his parents won't allow us to get married 

So my uncle wants us to visit their family and talk about us getting married cause I fall pregnant for 2 times and he never paid and damages 

so they saying we must get married 

I don't mind marrying to him cause we been together for 3 years 

so I want to know by the law is it possible for us to get married? 

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