Asked by Eugene on 01-02-2024 19:37:27
Question posted in the Landlord Tenant Law category relating to Gauteng
Good day, I am renting a property that has an inverter system installed, this system is an existing installation on the day we viewed the property, we were informed that currently the batteries are faulty and that they are working on having them replaced, we then said ok thats fine but it needs to be sorted out because the biggest motivation for us moving to this unit is because it has the inverter and solar geyser and that my wife is mostly working from home so the inverter is a big seller, so we secured the place with our 1st half of the deposit and the the last half on the weekend we began moving in.
When we performed the pre inspection I noticed the batteries was out and I was told they will find out what is going on. Later we were told that the owner will not replace the batteries and that it becomes our responsibility to do so.
My question is, is this legal to make us buy our own batteries since the impression made was that the system is there, it is faulty on batteries but they will have it sorted. I understand if I broke the batteries then I am liable to replace them but they were never even there when we moved in even though the inverter system is installed.
Who must buy new batteries since they can be R2000-5000
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