Asked by GerhardM on 25-07-2019 09:00:07
Question posted in the Family Law category relating to Gauteng
Good Morning,
Need some guidance please? Family matter, theft.As a family we booked a couple of units at a resort for this comming Dec. I made all the deposit payments and have proof of these payments comming from my account to the resport. This was based on the understanding that the famalilies will pay me back before end of July 2019.
Since then a bit of unneccesary family drama and the one family decided not to go anymore. This morning I contacted the resort to ask if we can have a return on the depost of move the funds to one of the other bookings made, R8250.00The resort advised that the deposit was already paid back to the family memberon the 20th of June 2019.
They did not advise us that they already cancelled the booking and also had no right ask for the deposit monies to be transferred to them. The family member now on Wahtsup admitted se did wrong and she stated that she used the funds for another booking at a diffrent resport. I advised that we want our monies back, she stated (also on Whatsup) that she can only give it in Dec. These statements shows admition of guilt that she did steal the depost funds.
How do we get our moniues back? 1st step to make a case with SAPS?Although a small amount, out of principle, this is not right...
Thank you, Gerhard
083 560 5709
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