Good day I need some information on a re...

Asked by HansmanJ on 22-08-2020 03:59:27
Question posted in the Divorce Law category relating to Gauteng

Good day 

I need some information on a relationship with a hooker that i met 2 years ago after a few visits we became friends and i said to her ill take her out of the industry and look after her finacialy and in return she must do all the duties that a women use to do . She lived in a small one roomflat at the back of her mothers yard . In March this year her mothers house got open for rent and i decided to rent the house for her because she has a 5 year old daughter and i thought its time that the child get her own room and cant sleep with her mom on one bed forever . I started to rent the house for her and allthough i knew it wasnt my house and with the permission of her mother she asked me to do some renovations on the house . This lady made me believed that she really loves me a lot and she also said that she wants a long term relationship with me and with all these in my mind the money was rolling out of my pockets . The totale amount that i spend was R 204000 at some point this lady told me to stop and there is messges to prove it but after that she told me to stop she also forced me in a way to gave the bathroom a total make over and it was the last of the renovations and it ends about a week ago . I also bought furniture for all the rooms and dining suite and lounge suite but with the furniture i think i can do nothing because there is also messages where i said to her i am buying the furniture for her to give her a beter life . The hole time this lady made me believe that she loves me and that is also the reason why i did the renovations on her .others house and with her mothers approval i did it because i thought this is a long term relationship so i am going to get a return on my investment from the ladys side . On sunday she told me that she wants to have a baby from me and with this words again she mislead me for making me think she loves me . On monday night she told me to go out of nowhere and said if i ever came close to her mothers house she will call the police to take me away from there . What i want to know is there a way that i can make her responsibble for my loss . I send a message to her and claim my money back and i know she doesnt have that kind of money i said that i will accept R5000 a month for the renovations R3800 for the car i bought which she drives when i took her out of the industry there was a car to drive but with no good reason she made me bought the one she drive now and sell the other one i dont want the car because if i sell it now there will be still an amount left that i then have to pay for nothing and R2000 for the two cellphone contracts what i took out for . She told me that she is not going to give me my money because she dont have a income but she ly because she is back in the hooker business and what i have to prove her income when i took her out of the industry she settled for R50000 a month that i must pay her or she will stay in business because she can make more money there . If i can hold her responsible for my loss and you think if we go to court the judge will turn the case to my side and i can win the battle what must i do and if i can hit i want to hit as hard as i can even if it means that we must go to the highcourt . Can you assist me with some advice .And if i am going to lose my money of my own stupidity for doing renovations on a house that not belongs to me its fine but my problem is why did she make me belive the hole time that she loves me but she has this plans in her head to steal my money from the start . And is there a way that i can get her arrested for prostitution i can provide messages that she took money from me in exchange for sex . Please let me know and thank you for your time . And if i must come for a consultation it will be good the only problem i am a farmer in the Freestate and there we run out of english before breakfast as you can see on my way of describing my problem but to travel to you is no problem but a afrikaans speaking persone will be very helpfull

Message from the Lawyer

Posted by Att. Patrick on 23-08-2020 19:18:41

Hi there and thank you for your question,

I am a practicing attorney based in South Africa and I will assist you with your question. Please feel free to ask as many follow up questions in order to clarify your question. If you have a new question, you must please open a new thread.

Please keep in mind that our discussions is for general information purposes only. Our engagement on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship.

Do you mind if I take a moment to review your question? I will come back to you shortly!

Att. Patrick

Message from the Lawyer

Posted by Att. Patrick on 23-08-2020 22:43:52

Okay, so in relation to the renovations that you did on the house, you would have a claim against the owner of the house (the mother) for unjustified enrichment. Basically, you spent money on improving her property and so she has been enriched, and you have not been paid for it, so now she needs to pay you for it. It is quite a simple claim in law and I think that your claim is strengthened because you were led to believe that your relationship would be forever if you did the renovations, whereas it was a lie. In order to advance your claim, you'll unfortunately need to issue a summons against the owner of the house at the Magistrates Court. It might be best if you get a lawyer to assist you in drafting the summons and the claim. 

Once you get a judgment against the mother, you can then either attach the house and sell it to get your money back, or you can use the summons / the judgment as a means to negotiate a settlement with the lady where she can pay you R5,000 per month to settle the whole dispute. This is what I would suggest that you do!

I don't think that you should report her to the SAPS for prostitution in so far as you are involved, because the SAPS would most certainly also arrest you! What you could do is to tell the SAPS that you suspect that she is involved in prostitution and that the SAPS should investigate her actions. But that's as much as you should do.

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