Ms X, your client, was in the final year...

Asked by tatenda on 20-09-2023 21:19:57
Question posted in the General Law category relating to Eastern Cape

Ms X, your client, was in the final year of her part-time LLB studies, living in Johannesburg and working as a paralegal earning R50 000 per month. She then met the love of her life, Mr Y. Mr Y is a successful Capetonian businessman who is 10 years her senior. They fall madly in love and soon get engaged. Mr Y asks Ms X to drop out of her studies and resign as a paralegal, promising her a life of such luxury and comfort that she will never need to work. Ms X drops out of her LLB studies, sells her flat, her car and all her furniture, and resigns with immediate effect from her paralegal job. She moves to Cape Town, leaving behind all her friends and family to be closer to Mr Y. Mr Y puts Ms X up in a luxurious, furnished penthouse in Camps Bay, buys her a completely new wardrobe and provides her with monthly pocket money of R100 000. One night, three months after Ms X gave up her life in Johannesburg and moved to Cape Town, Mr Y arrives with another woman and tells Ms X that their relationship is over. He is breaking the engagement as he has fallen in love with Ms Z and confirms that they have eloped. Mr Y tells Ms X to leave the apartment immediately and allows her to take nothing but the clothes she has on her back. Ms X decides to institute a civil claim against Mr Y and asks you to represent her in court.

You are required to draft heads of argument (HoA) for the legal matter of your client (Ms X) and submit to court

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